Inspired by the performer turnout against Measure B last year, responses to this year’s AB-332 bill, and with the help of the Free Speech Coalition, the Adult Performers Coalition For Choice (APC4C) is underway!
So many performers are against being forced to use mandatory barriers without their consent and being browbeaten over poorly written AB-332. Measure B has found people leaving LA County because these people want to work within the law, but their input has been systematically ignored. I’ve been watching this unfold for years now. I remember Diane Duke having to bully her way into a UCLA panel discussion in November 2010, where industry people weren’t invited to add their invaluable input to the conversation. Just two weeks ago I was at the AB-332 hearing while someone from UCLA was counseling a group of students in a corner of the waiting area, comparing porn performers to animals in mainstream films. I watched AHF roll out the red carpet for Shelley Lubben, a well-documented industry predator.
No one speaks for the intelligent, responsible community of performers that I’ve known since I entered this industry fifteen years ago. Adult Performers Coalition for Choice represents the voices of performers who are tired of being disrespected and spoken for by people who don’t even view them as a species above caged animals that get thrown a treat for performing a trick on camera. I’m proud to put my name on this organization. I’m proud to stand up against harassment and insults with the people I care about.
If you are a performer and you want to get involved, fill out the form field–here. Follow APC4C on twitter–here.
Peruse the site and send any questions you may have to
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